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5 Day Ago
Sad Paper Person
Sad Paper Person 1. The Missing "Boys and Girls" Teacher Liu truly began to pay attention to the girl after three consecutive issues of the "Boys and Girls" magazine went missing from the library's magazine shelf. Prior to that, she had only noticed her slightly, as she was indeed a striking child. The girl stood out not because of her beauty, but due to her frailty. She was so frail that even when wearing clothes that others would consider form-fitting, she appeared empty and loose, a feeling that was hard to describe. It was as if she wasn’t wearing the clothes, but rather the clothes were wearing her, as if they were the only evidence of her existence. That girl was not only thin but also very pale. Her face was almost devoid of color, which made her bright eyes and white teeth stand out. She always wore high-necked tops, bundled up snugly. Other than her face, only her hands were exposed. Her hands were also very pale, with clearly visible veins on the back. Her visits to the library were quite regular. Teacher Liu speculated that she must be spending all her spare time there. On weekends, she would stay from opening until closing time. She always sat in a corner by the wall, and no matter when she arrived, as soon as she settled there, she was as steady as a rock. During that time, she wouldn’t drink water, eat, or even go to the bathroom. At first, Ms. Liu thought she was just strange, but she didn’t pay much attention. Having worked as a librarian at this comprehensive key university for over a decade, she had seen all kinds of odd students. In recent years, especially, the thoughts and behaviors of young people had increasingly gone beyond her understanding, and nothing surprised her anymore. However, during yesterday's library inventory, it was discovered that three copies of "Boys and Girls" magazine were missing, prompting her to take notice. Each time she visited the library, she lingered for a long time in front of the "Boys and Girls" magazine rack, gently running her emaciated fingers over the rows of magazines, her eyes sparkling with a strange light. Afterwards, she always carefully pulled out one of them before selecting other books. After selecting the "Boys and Girls" magazine, she didn't read it carefully. She just glanced at it, flipped to a random page, opened it, and laid it on the table before starting to read the book she had chosen. She must be a good kid; aside from the magazine she had to read every day, all the other books she selected were professional texts, and she always took diligent notes while reading them. Therefore, Teacher Liu actually didn't dislike her and certainly hoped even more that she wasn't the magazine thief. Despite this, when the girl came to the library today, Teacher Liu paid special attention to her "reading card," which indicated that she was in the Chinese Department, Class 1, Year 2007, Ren Jiajia. Ren Jiajia continued to sway her clothes as she moved, first placing her notebook on the corner seat to secure her spot. She then strolled over to the magazine rack, gently running her fingers over the copies of "Boys and Girls," as if caressing her own children. Next, she carefully pulled one out like a treasured possession, hugging it to her chest, and went to another bookshelf to select a volume on ancient literary history. Only then did she return to the seat that had almost become exclusively hers, where she settled in for most of the day. At closing time, Teacher Liu sat at the management desk by the entrance and saw her figure, magazine in hand, disappear behind the bookshelves in the magazine area, lingering for less than a minute. When she emerged from the magazine section, only the literature history book remained in her hand. Finally, she returned the literature history book to its original place and then casually walked out of the library, carrying only her notebook. After finishing the cleaning, Teacher Liu deliberately counted the number of "Boys and Girls" magazines—sure enough, one was missing again, the October 2006 issue. With a furrowed brow, Teacher Liu muttered to himself, "Could she have stolen it?" 2. Eccentric Ren Jiajia Ren Jiajia was an eccentric person, a fact that Mi Hui, Xiong Xiaoxiao, and Li Yuyan recognized from the very first day of school, as they were assigned to the same dormitory. At that time, Mi Hui, Xiong Xiaoxiao, and Li Yuyan were chatting by their beds while their parents were busy helping them make their beds and organize their belongings. Mi Hui's father even gave the entire dormitory, including the balcony, a thorough cleaning. When everything was finally settled, Ren Jiajia arrived. She had very little luggage—just the most basic necessities for studying and living, along with a box that looked quite heavy. Mi Hui's father spotted Ren Jiajia and said with a warm smile, "Where are your parents?" Ren Jiajia was momentarily taken aback and replied softly, "They didn't come." The words "didn't come" struck a chord with the parents of the three girls. As they nagged and criticized their own children, they praised Ren Jiajia for being a sensible and independent child, urging their daughters to learn from her. This left Mi Hui and her friends feeling quite displeased, and their animosity likely began at that moment. At that time, Ren Jiajia didn’t rush to organize her personal belongings. Instead, she opened the bulky cardboard box and pulled out stacks of old magazines. Most of these magazines were so worn that they had lost their covers, and even those that still had covers were smeared with oddly shaped stains, barely recognizable as "Boys and Girls" magazine. She carefully pressed down the curled corners of the pages and then laid them out one by one on the bed frame. As a result, the entire dormitory was filled with the musty smell of old paper, reminiscent of a waste paper recycling station. Seeing this, Xiong Xiaoxiao’s mother said, “Child, didn’t you bring a mattress? Xiaoxiao has laid out three thick mattresses. Would you like one of them?” Xiong Xiaoxiao said unhappily, "Mom—even three layers of bedding feel too thin for me!" Ren Jiajia smiled shyly and replied, "Thank you, auntie. I'm used to it. If the bed is too soft, I can't sleep." She spread a layer of magazines on the bed board, then took out a bed sheet that had been washed so many times that its color was unrecognizable. Carefully, she covered the magazines with it, meticulously tucking in the extra fabric around the edges. Only then did she let out a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. Contentedly, she crawled onto the sheet and took a deep breath, as if the musty smell were the most wonderful scent in the world. Ren Jiajia's action not only surprised the three girls but also made the typically kind-hearted parents feel a bit worried. As they were leaving, they quietly advised their children to keep their distance from that strange girl. In fact, there was no need for the parents' warnings; Mi Hui, Xiong Xiaoxiao, and Li Yuyan would have done the same. As a result, from the very first day of school, Ren Jiajia was ostracized. Evidently, Ren Jiajia had also noticed this, so she didn't actively engage with them. Every morning, she was always the first to get up and would quietly leave the dormitory; in the evening, she was the last to return, slipping into bed without making a sound. She never ate, fetched water, washed up, or showered with them. She was always alone, silent, rarely speaking or making any noise. As a result, there were times when Mi Hui and the others even forgot that Ren Jiajia existed in the dormitory. If they continued to coexist peacefully like this, Ren Jiajia might quietly graduate and leave without anyone noticing. Years later, at a class reunion, everyone might be surprised to find a frail girl in the graduation photo whom no one recognizes. Perhaps a classmate with a talent for writing would use this as inspiration to craft a ghost story, likely titled "The Ghost in the Graduation Photo." However, even if everyone ignored Ren Jiajia, she was, after all, very much alive and real. Thus, conflicts and tensions were bound to arise. This situation began when Xiong Xiaoxiao was elected as a member of the department's hygiene committee. Having garnered attention right from her entrance into university, Xiong Xiaoxiao was filled with ambition and vowed to raise the hygiene standards in her department. She implemented various strict hygiene assessment systems, aiming to transform the first-year Chinese department into the "model of cleanliness" for the entire school. However, progress was not smooth, as most students were not particularly obsessed with cleanliness. Additionally, Xiong Xiaoxiao's own dormitory failed to meet the standards, which provided strong evidence for her classmates to oppose her. The one holding Xiong Xiaoxiao back was none other than Ren Jiajia. In Xiong Xiaoxiao's overly strict hygiene system, one of the evaluation criteria was odor. However, a faint musty smell always lingered in Xiong Xiaoxiao's dormitory, emanating from the old magazines under Ren Jiajia's bed sheets. Whenever the old magazines were mentioned, Xiong Xiaoxiao, Mi Hui, and Li Yuyan would become extremely frustrated. Once, when the three of them were really bored, they took advantage of Ren Jiajia's absence to pull out an old magazine from under her bedsheet to read. They initially intended to just casually flip through it and put it back, but the magazine was so captivating that they decided to secretly keep it to read at their leisure. To cover their tracks, they deliberately rearranged the magazines on Ren Jiajia's bed so that it appeared as though none were missing. Little did anyone know that after the lights went out that night, Ren Jiajia had just climbed into bed when she suddenly jumped up, stood on the floor, and remained silently motionless in the darkness. At that moment, Xiong Xiaoxiao was excitedly discussing the handsome senior from third grade with the other two girls. Caught up in the conversation, she sat up and immediately spotted Ren Jiajia's silhouette in the dark, letting out an involuntary scream. Mi Hui exclaimed, "You scared me to death!" Li Yuyan said, "Are you out of your mind?" Xiong Xiaoxiao added, "Could she be sleepwalking?" Ren Jiajia remained silent, standing still. She first glanced at Xiong Xiaoxiao, then at Li Yuyan, and finally fixed her gaze on Mi Hui. Slowly and silently, she walked over to the desk under Mi Hui's bed, opened the drawer, and pulled out a magazine. Then, she moved to Xiong Xiaoxiao's drawer. Li Yuyan thought to herself, "Let's see how you find mine!" Before she could finish her thought, Ren Jiajia had already drifted to her bedside, reached under her pillow, and found the third magazine. Then, it was as if nothing had happened. She picked up the magazine, climbed onto her bed, carefully spread it out, and lay down to sleep. From beginning to end, she neither asked them if they had taken her things nor where they had put them. She said nothing and asked nothing, as if she already understood everything. It was as if she had been right beside them when they took her magazine. The three of them, already in the wrong, suddenly found themselves at a loss for words. In that moment, their hearts were filled with fear and unease, and they tossed and turned all night. From that point on, they no longer dared to casually touch her magazines—even though they were very enticing. They started taking turns going to the bookstore near the school to buy "Boys and Girls," and the three of them read it in rotation. Little did they know at the time that, almost as if by some mysterious force, they had all unconsciously tucked the magazines under their mattresses. If it hadn't been for Xiong Xiaoxiao's obsessive cleanliness, they might have never intended to have any contact with that strange girl for the rest of their lives. That day, Xiong Xiaoxiao was mocked by her student council peers because her dorm room's cleanliness did not meet the standards. Furious, she stormed back to her room, yanked off Ren Jiajia's bedsheet, tore all the magazines to shreds, and then flushed them down the toilet. Clearly, this act allowed her to fully vent her anger. Once her rage subsided and her mind cleared, she began to worry—what would Ren Jiajia do when she found out about all this? In a panic, she called for Mi Hui and Li Yuyan, but they couldn’t come up with a good plan either... 4. Ren Jiajia's reaction That night, Ren Jiajia once again waited until lights out to return to the dormitory. As usual, she gently pushed the door open a crack, but today she didn’t immediately step inside and lock the door; instead, she lingered in the doorway. She found it strange—typically at this hour, the dormitory was lively, its chatter no less than a nest of sparrows. But today was different; all three of her roommates had gone to bed early, with Xiong Xiaoxiao even snoring exaggeratedly. With that, Ren Jiajia gently sniffed and tightly furrowed her brows. At that moment, Li Yuyan secretly opened her eyes and saw Ren Jiajia standing motionless in the gap between the door and the wall. The corridor light stretched her frail shadow long. That elongated shadow, like Ren Jiajia herself, remained completely still, as if time had frozen at the moment she pushed open the door. Ren Jiajia stood dazed for a few minutes, and for the first time, she altered her slow and drifting way of walking, stumbling hurriedly to her bed. In the darkness, her thin shoulders trembled slightly. Seeing this, Xiong Xiaoxiao quickly covered her head with the blanket, clutching her rapidly beating heart. Surprisingly, Ren Jiajia didn’t angrily demand answers or create a scene. She simply stood by her bed, motionless, just as she had been at the doorway moments ago. Then, she turned around and stared intently at her three roommates. Although Xiong Xiaoxiao had buried her head, she still sensed something was off, as if countless tiny needles were piercing through the quilt, entering her body through her pores, her blood, and her internal organs, making her feel extremely uncomfortable. She could no longer endure this feeling and suddenly sat up, opening her eyes just in time to meet Ren Jiajia's gaze. Though it was dark, she could still sense the coldness in her eyes, making the little needles of anxiety in her body grow even more restless. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead and into the corners of her eyes, causing a painful sting. In the darkness, Ren Jiajia seemed to let out a faint, cold laugh, or perhaps she didn’t laugh at all. Regarding whether she had laughed or not, Xiong Xiaoxiao, Li Yuyan, and Mi Hui had differing opinions. The next day, when they discussed it in secret, they even got into a heated argument, nearly having a falling out. That night, Ren Jiajia stared at Xiong Xiaoxiao for most of the night before silently climbing into bed. According to Mi Hui, who slept across from her, after Ren Jiajia got into bed, she sat there in a daze until dawn. When they woke up in the morning, Ren Jiajia was already gone. No one knew when she had left. Her bed was still in the same state as the day before, with the sheets haphazardly piled on the bedframe. The grain of the wooden bedframe formed circular patterns, winding around like a maze, much like Ren Jiajia herself. The three of them sat on the bed with dark circles under their eyes, staring blankly, and no one spoke. These close friends, who usually had countless topics to discuss, suddenly seemed to have nothing to say. After a long while, Mi Hui finally rubbed her temples and yawned, "Xiaoxiao, you did this, so why don't you just admit it?" Li Yuyan added, "Yeah, even though your magazines messed up the dorm's cleanliness, you really went a bit too far yesterday..." Mi Hui added, "I heard from the life committee member that her family is really struggling. She had to negotiate with the school for a long time just to get half of her tuition waived this term. I guess they're so poor they might not even have a decent mattress. With what you've done, she’ll have to sleep on bare boards now..." Li Yuyan quickly chimed in, "That sounds pretty pitiful. Anyway, it doesn’t really concern us this time... Honestly, I’m a bit scared of her... Xiaoxiao, just don’t drag us into this..." Xiong Xiaoxiao shot back angrily, "Is this how friends talk?!" Li Yuyan and Mi Hui quickly replied, "That's not what we meant..." Xiong Xiaoxiao sighed, "I'll give her one of my mattress pads..." After saying this, she quickly pulled out a mattress pad of her own, laid it on Ren Jiajia's bed, and even spread the bed sheet for her. When Xiong Xiaoxiao climbed onto Ren Jiajia's bed, she was surprised to find that, although the old magazines were gone, there was still a faint musty smell lingering on the bed. It was as if the scent of those magazines had seeped into the bed frame. At night, Ren Jiajia still returned only after the lights went out. She stood for a moment in front of her bed, then gently climbed onto it, lifted the sheet, neatly folded the quilt, and softly placed it on Xiong Xiaoxiao's desk. After that, she spread the sheet, laid a magazine on her chest, and finally fell asleep in silence. That night, Xiong Xiaoxiao, Li Yuyan, and Mi Hui simultaneously noticed that Ren Jiajia seemed unusually quiet—so quiet that she resembled a lifeless person. 5. Is Ren Jiajia not human? The next morning at breakfast, Xiong Xiaoxiao and the other two looked preoccupied, each lost in thought about Ren Jiajia, and no one spoke. It felt as if whoever broke the silence first, whoever unveiled the mystery first, would be struck by a terrifying curse. Finally, Xiong Xiaoxiao couldn't hold back any longer. She took a sip of porridge, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and then rubbed her hand on her pants. After glancing at the other two, she swallowed and said, "Do you think... Ren Jiajia might not be human?" As soon as she said this, Mi Hui and Li Yuyan were taken aback. This was also what they had been thinking. Mi Hui said quietly, "I also think she's really strange, really weird..." Li Yuyan asked, "Have you ever seen her eat?" Xiong Xiaoxiao shook her head, "I haven't even seen her drink water..." Li Yuyan added, "Forget about drinking water; we haven't even seen her go to the bathroom..." So the three of them took turns listing the evidence that Ren Jiajia wasn't human. They had never seen her eat, drink, or use the bathroom, and they hadn't even seen her wash her face, wash her feet, brush her teeth, take a shower, or do laundry. Describing her as an "otherworldly being who doesn't partake in the affairs of the mortal world" was clearly inappropriate. Because Ren Jiajia's appearance and behavior were unworthy of the title "celestial maiden." There was a saying that circulated online: "The one riding a white horse isn't necessarily a prince; it could be Tang Monk. The one with wings isn't necessarily an angel; it could be a birdman." Similarly, those who seem detached from the mundane world aren't necessarily celestial maidens; they could be devils, zombies, the dead, evil spirits, robots, aliens, or mutants... In addition to not being a "celestial maiden," Xiong Xiaoxiao and her friends could list countless types of monsters from horror movies and novels. In short, Ren Jiajia wasn't human. This conclusion left the three girls utterly shocked and terrified. "If she's not human, then what is she?" Xiong Xiaoxiao licked her lips, her voice trembling slightly. "She shouldn't be a ghost or an evil spirit... That day, I saw her shadow, and souls don't have shadows..." Li Yuyan said. "Could she be a zombie?" "She doesn't have zombie teeth..." "A robot?" As soon as Mi Hui said this, Xiong Xiaoxiao and Li Yuyan's eyes widened, and they nodded in unison, saying together: "That's why she doesn't eat, drink, use the bathroom, or wash anything, including her face. She's a robot, afraid of water. She would short-circuit if she got wet..." The conclusion that "Ren Jiajia is a robot" was just within their psychological limits, as "robots" in movies, novels, and other literary works don't typically behave too badly, and even when they do, they're not considered beyond forgiveness. They decided to test Ren Jiajia. So, they did something quite foolish, which left them filled with regret. They secretly set a basin of water on the dormitory door, hoping to see the robot Ren Jiajia short-circuit. They came up with countless scenarios, imagining sparks suddenly flying from Ren Jiajia, or her making crackling short-circuit sounds, or even her head popping up with her neck bobbing back and forth like a spring. The worst-case scenario was that Ren Jiajia might suddenly explode, potentially causing a small fire, but they had already prepared enough water to put it out. However, none of them expected that when the basin of water was poured over Ren Jiajia's head, nothing happened at all. If one had to describe what happened, it was that at that moment, Ren Jiajia let out her first gasp since starting school, though the sound was so faint that calling it a "gasp" might be an exaggeration. Then, she wiped her eyes, unsure whether she was clearing away tears or the water that had just fallen. She looked a bit flustered, first putting the washbasin back in the dorm cupboard, then hurriedly grabbing a mop from the balcony to clean up the water on the floor before locking the door and stepping out onto the balcony. That night, she stood on the balcony for hours. It was already October, and the weather in the north was quite cool, especially at night, with a cold wind blowing. She stood motionless like a statue, the wind tousling her short hair into a tangled mess. Xiong Xiaoxiao, Li Yuyan, and Mi Hui lay on the bed, none of them daring to speak or even sleep. They just lay there stiffly, their minds as twisted and convoluted as the maze-like wood grain on the bed frame, with neither an entrance nor an exit. They all regretted it, regretted their actions from that night. Not only had they completely offended Ren Jiajia, potentially provoking her retaliation, but more crucially, this proved that Ren Jiajia was not a robot! This proof made them even more uneasy and apprehensive. They wished they hadn’t propped up that water basin, allowing themselves to believe that Ren Jiajia was a robot, perhaps coexisting peacefully until graduation. But now, they could no longer deceive themselves. The facts had shown that Ren Jiajia hadn’t short-circuited; she wasn’t a robot… If they continued to speculate about her identity, the outcome might drive them to collapse… A dead person? A corpse? An alien? 6. Paper Person Ren Jiajia That night, none of the four people in the dormitory got any sleep. Ren Jiajia probably didn’t want to sleep, while the other three were too afraid to. To keep herself awake, Mi Hui even snuck out in the middle of the night to eat several spoonfuls of chili sauce, which directly led to her subsequent constipation. Just as dawn was breaking, Ren Jiajia finally came in. Although she tried to be as quiet as usual, each step still made a faint sound. The sound was strange, almost impossible to describe. Perhaps because she had been standing outside for too long, her walking posture was somewhat stiff, and the back of her exposed hand appeared wrinkled in the dim light. Seeing her leave the dorm, the three of them sat up at the same time, their faces pale and grim. Xiong Xiaoxiao said, "We might be too naive. Maybe we've watched too many horror movies... Real life isn't like the movies; how could there be robots? Or zombies and ghosts? I think Ren Jiajia probably has a mental illness..." Mi Hui nodded, "Should we report this to the counselor?" Li Yuyan looked somewhat bewildered. She glanced at the door and suddenly covered her mouth, exclaiming, "Oh my God! The book I borrowed from the library!!" She hurriedly scrambled off the bed and rushed to the doorway. It must have fallen to the ground unnoticed yesterday, and now it was completely soaked and wrinkled. She gently flipped the book back and forth, and the damp pages made a strange sound... In an instant, the expressions of all three froze on their faces, especially Li Yuyan, who was so frightened that she started to cry. Mi Hui said, "It sounds just like the noise Ren Jiajia made when she was walking earlier..." Xiong Xiaoxiao added, "It's the sound of paper..." The three of them exchanged glances and, in unison and with trembling voices, said, "Ren Jiajia is a paper person!" This explains why she doesn’t eat, drink, or touch water, and why she stood outside all night after getting soaked yesterday—she was just air-drying herself. Paper that gets wet and then dries becomes quite stiff, which is why she made that sound when she walked in the morning... Li Yuyan placed the book on the windowsill and said, "Now that you mention it, I just realized how extremely pale Ren Jiajia's face is!" "That's right! We thought it was malnutrition before! Also, her lips are quite red!" "The eyes are so dark..." Xiong Xiaoxiao rubbed her eyes. "Just like the paper figures used in funerals..." At this, Mi Hui suddenly seemed to remember something and flipped open her quilt. "I think I read an article about paper figures somewhere. It said that if a spell is cast on the paper figures, they can come to life... I wonder if it was in 'Boys and Girls' magazine..." She suddenly looked up. "Where's my magazine?" Xiong Xiaoxiao lifted her quilt as well. "Mine's gone too!" Li Yuyan chimed in, "And mine!" Mi Hui continued, "If Ren Jiajia is a paper figure cursed with black magic, what is her purpose? I've heard that paper figures have no soul, so they need to constantly absorb the spirits of others..." Li Yuyan's face turned deathly pale. "Lately, I've been feeling so fuzzy and disoriented..." Xiong Xiaoxiao clutched the corner of her blanket, trembling. "Me too..." Mi Hui asked, "Could it be that she has already started absorbing our souls?!" Upon hearing this, Li Yuyan broke down in tears again. That day, the three girls skipped class and hid in their dormitory, discussing their situation for the entire morning. They decided to temporarily move out, squeezing into other dorms for now, and then collectively ask their counselor for a reassignment to a new dormitory. They were in the prime of their youth, the most beautiful time of their lives, and they certainly didn't want to die so inexplicably and without reason... 7. Jia Jia Ren Has Disappeared Today is Thursday. As usual, Jia Jia Ren would appear in the library around 3:10 PM. Teacher Liu was busy lending and exchanging books while anxiously watching the students come and go, occasionally glancing at the empty seat in the corner. It was almost six o'clock, and Ren Jiajia still hadn't arrived. Could something have happened to her? Teacher Liu furrowed his brow deeply but then smiled wryly at himself. After all, Ren Jiajia wasn't a pre-programmed robot; she didn’t have to arrive exactly on time. Maybe she had something else to do today, like going shopping or on a date. "Teacher..." The voice was timid, and the hand offering the book was hesitant, holding a crumpled book. Teacher Liu had little patience for students who didn’t take care of their books. She looked up angrily and saw three haggard girls, with the one in the middle speaking up. "What happened?!" "I accidentally got it wet..." Li Yuyan said softly. "How much do I need to pay?" With a heavy heart, Teacher Liu took the book and gently pressed it. "Which department are you in? Bring your library card. If this happens three times in a semester, you’ll lose credits!" Li Yuyan reluctantly pulled out her library card. "Teacher... Please just let me pay for it, or I can buy a new one to replace it. Just don’t deduct my credits..." Teacher Liu glanced at the library card, then at them, and suddenly asked, "Is Ren Jiajia from your department?" Hearing this, the three girls immediately looked up in panic, exchanged glances, their lips trembling as if they wanted to say something but weren't sure whether they should or how to express it. Li Yuyan stammered, "If you're going to deduct credits, then go ahead! We're leaving now!" After saying this, the three girls hurried out, stumbling as they went. One of them even tripped while running, drawing the attention of other students. Teacher Liu frowned as she watched their retreating figures and murmured, "What's going on? Is Ren Jiajia some kind of taboo? Or has something really happened to her?" Teacher Liu rarely concerned herself with her students' personal lives, but this time, she couldn't help but worry about Ren Jiajia. Although she had always suspected Ren Jiajia of being a book thief, she found it impossible to dislike her, perhaps simply because of her love for books and the fact that she always returned borrowed books to their original places. After all, there aren't many children like her these days who understand how to respect the hard work of others... She sighed and found herself wandering over to the "Boys and Girls" magazine shelf. The four missing magazines had been replaced; Teacher Liu had explained the situation to the publisher, and they promptly retrieved copies from their archives and mailed them to her. She carefully took out those four brand-new outdated magazines from the shelf, opening them one by one, her brows knitting tighter and tighter... 8. Ren Jiajia Without an Origin Everything that exists in this world has an origin. Even an ant once came from an egg that nurtured it. But Ren Jiajia has none. Students like Ren Jiajia, who are solitary by nature, would not attract attention even if they missed classes for ten days or half a month. Moreover, it is common for students to skip classes in college, and professors have long since become accustomed to this. However, since Xiong Xiaoxiao and her friends needed to share a dorm with other students, they had to reveal that Ren Jiajia was a paper person. Their deduction was accepted by most classmates, and as the news spread from one person to another, it quickly became known throughout the entire school that there was a girl in the freshman Chinese department named Ren Jiajia. Some even came specifically to see her, hoping to catch a glimpse of her presence. However, Ren Jiajia had gone missing. She hadn’t attended classes or returned to her dormitory for five consecutive days, as if she had vanished into thin air. Counselor Hao finally couldn’t hold back any longer. A few days earlier, he had received requests from Xiong Xiaoxiao, Mi Hui, and Li Yuyan to change dormitories, but he hadn’t taken them seriously. Girls can be petty, and living together in a dormitory inevitably leads to minor conflicts. Almost every year, students make such requests. In response, he usually ignored them and simply spoke to the girls privately to help resolve their differences. He had planned to do the same this time, but he hadn’t been able to find Ren Jiajia for five straight days. He pulled up Ren Jiajia's enrollment file, and the more he read, the more his brow furrowed. In fact, when the new students enrolled, the school leadership had instructed him to pay special attention to this child, though they did not provide a reason. At the time, he assumed that Ren Jiajia was like the other students from previous years—someone with connections, which explained the leadership's interest in her. He had never had a good impression of such students, so he hadn't taken the matter seriously. Now, as he carefully opened her file, he realized his oversight. In Ren Jiajia's file, the section for her parents was marked "deceased," while other immediate relatives were left blank, with only "XXX City Welfare Institution" noted in the remarks. When he saw the admission information, he couldn't help but gasp—she was actually the student with the highest admission score! After hesitating for a moment, he called the welfare institution, but the number was disconnected. He then called her elementary, middle, and high schools one by one. After checking their records, the staff who answered said that there was no student named Ren Jiajia at any of those schools. Teacher Hao put down the phone, his brow furrowed deeply. He recalled what Xiong Xiaoxiao and the others had said, and a chill ran down his spine. Back then, they described how terrifying and eerie Ren Jiajia was, presenting numerous pieces of evidence in an attempt to convince him that Ren Jiajia wasn’t human. He had simply laughed it off, thinking it was just an outrageous lie fabricated by the children to make him change their dormitory arrangements. But now, he couldn’t help but reconsider their words. While he still firmly believed that the idea of "Ren Jiajia isn’t human" was absurd, he was certain that something was definitely wrong with her. Mr. Hao thought for a moment and then called Ren Jiajia's high school again to reconfirm. With such excellent grades for admission to a prestigious university, the school surely must have some impression of her. At the very least, Ren Jiajia should be a student that her homeroom teacher is proud of. After Mr. Hao insisted, the call was transferred to the homeroom teacher of Class 1, Grade 12. "Excuse me, do you have a student named Ren Jiajia in your class?" "No." "Then... among last year's students, were there any who were admitted to a prestigious university?" "No!" "Please try to remember carefully!" "Absolutely not! How could I possibly forget which school accepted my student?!" The person on the other end clearly thought Teacher Hao was being unreasonable. Teacher Hao hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, and quickly dialed the school's internal line: "Director Zhang, about that student you asked me to pay special attention to last time—the one named Ren Jiajia—what's her background?" Director Zhang paused for a few seconds on the line: "Which Ren Jiajia?" "You don't know?!" "..." Director Zhang seemed to be trying hard to remember the name, remaining silent for a long time before finally saying, "Oh... that child, I don’t know either. They were referred by the education committee..." "Who from the education committee?" Teacher Hao pressed. "Why do you want to know?" Director Zhang shot back. Teacher Hao thought for a moment, deciding it would be best not to make a big fuss about it just yet. There might be some misunderstanding or mistake, so it would be better to wait and see: "It's nothing, I was just looking through student files and got a bit curious..." 9. Ren Jiajia is back. On the sixth day, Ren Jiajia returned, carrying a heavy cardboard box. Her arms, as thin as twigs, seemed unable to bear the weight, as if the box might crush them at any moment. Her face remained expressionless, with beads of sweat forming on her pale skin. Her lips were bright red, and her eyes were deep black, resembling a paper figure used in funerals. Her body had regained its previous flexibility; even while carrying such a heavy box, she walked silently. Some classmates who recognized Ren Jiajia saw her and, frightened, hurried away. Yet they couldn't help but stand at what they considered a safe distance, pointing and whispering about her. Ren Jiajia set down the box and wiped her forehead, looking curiously at her classmates in the distance with a slight frown. Hadn’t they always ignored her before? What was going on today? She checked her outfit; aside from being a bit shabby and worn-out, there was nothing particularly special about it. Deciding to ignore them, she picked up the box again and headed toward the dormitory. The dormitory was empty. Xiong Xiaoxiao and her roommates' bedding was gone, and a thin layer of dust covered the desks. She frowned again, then opened the box and moved the magazines inside, one by one, onto her bed—these were the ones she had painstakingly collected from various old magazine stalls and scrap paper. Without those magazines, she always felt empty inside and couldn't fall asleep... The magazines were as worn-out as before, giving off the same musty smell of old paper. All of them were issues of "Boys and Girls," and most were the same few editions. She gently blew the dust off each one, carefully wiped the surfaces clean, and then meticulously arranged them on the bed board. At that moment, Teacher Hao arrived—just as Ren Jiajia walked onto the campus, someone reported to him. Teacher Hao stood at the dormitory entrance, catching the musty smell of old paper, and slightly furrowed his brow. Ren Jiajia looked somewhat embarrassed; she knew that using magazines as a mattress was a bit odd. Lowering her head, she softly asked, "Teacher... are you looking for me? ...Actually, I had an urgent matter come up, so I skipped class... I'm sorry, I didn't have time to ask for leave..." Teacher Hao remained silent. For the first time, he carefully observed this excessively thin girl and couldn't help but think that she was quite peculiar. No wonder her classmates referred to her as a paper person. "I'm glad you made it back safely," Teacher Hao said, trying to speak as gently as possible, not wanting to hurt his student with his words. "Can we talk?" "Talk about what? ... I'll catch up on those classes by myself..." Ren Jiajia put down the magazine she was holding, climbed down from the bed, and stood timidly at its side. "It's not about missing classes; it's about you..." "I... I... What's wrong with me?" A flicker of unease crossed Ren Jiajia's eyes as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Do you have any conflicts with Xiong Xiaoxiao, Li Yuyan, and Mi Hui? Or... misunderstandings?" Teacher Hao asked cautiously. "Huh?!" Ren Jiajia's eyes flickered uncertainly, wondering who had been nosy enough to complain to the teacher. She didn't like causing trouble. "No, no," Ren Jiajia replied, her tone becoming noticeably anxious, as if she were trying to hide something. "They're all really nice... they treat me well, too. It’s just that I'm not very sociable, and I rarely talk to them, that's all..." Ren Jiajia's words made Teacher Hao frown, as the situation seemed completely different from what he had imagined. Noticing his furrowed brow, Ren Jiajia quickly added, "They've never bullied me. Please don't listen to the other students' nonsense!" Teacher Hao glanced at her, then at the magazines on the bed, and asked, "Are you using magazines as a mattress?" "Oh..." Ren Jiajia stammered, "I... I do have a mattress at home; it's not that I don't have one. Xiong Xiaoxiao is really helpful and even offered to give me her mattress, but I declined. I'm just used to using magazines..." 10. Ren Jiajia Falls Silent Teacher Hao walked to the edge of her bed. Ren Jiajia trembled as she retreated to the balcony door, appearing very afraid of anyone approaching. Teacher Hao observed her expression, like that of a startled fawn, and felt waves of sympathy rising from the depths of his heart. This child must have endured a great deal of suffering and experienced much pain, hadn't she? He gently picked up a few magazines and flipped through them. "They're all old magazines..." Ren Jiajia said anxiously. She reached out to grab the magazines but then pulled back, much like a child watching their beloved toys being taken away by adults—both anxious and helpless. "Are they all 'Boys and Girls' magazines?" "Oh..." "Why?" "Oh..." Teacher Hao watched her speak evasively and thought, she’s already in college, almost an adult, so it’s better to be candid: "You know? A couple of days ago, Xiong Xiaoxiao and the others submitted a request to change dormitories..." Ren Jiajia lowered her head, her slender fingers intertwined, her tone suddenly becoming incredibly dejected: "Is that so..." "They're afraid of you..." For a moment, Teacher Hao hesitated to continue, but having started, he steeled himself and said, "They think you're different from them..." "I know..." Droplets fell onto her patched cloth shoes, and it was hard to tell whether they were sweat or tears. "I'm different from them... I... I said it... I don't fit in..." "It's not about personality... it's about your body..." Ren Jiajia couldn't help but take another step back upon hearing this. Mr. Hao felt that his earlier statement might have been ambiguous. Looking at her underdeveloped, childlike body, he awkwardly explained, "What I mean is that they think you are... Of course, I don't believe what they're saying because their words are ridiculous. I think there must be some misunderstanding..." Ren Jiajia kept her head down, fidgeting with the hem of her clothes. Teacher Hao bit her lip and said, "They think you’re a paper person..." At these words, Ren Jiajia snapped her head up as if jolted by electricity. Her eyes were filled with unease, panic, and helplessness, like a child caught in a lie. Yet, there was an inexplicable thrill of happiness in her expression. Her lips trembled as she mumbled something softly before lowering her head again. Teacher Hao quickly added, "As I mentioned earlier, I don’t believe them. There must be a misunderstanding! I hope we can resolve this misunderstanding and let bygones be bygones... After all, you’ll be classmates for four more years..." Ren Jiajia remained silent. Teacher Hao continued, "Also... I couldn't find you a few days ago and was quite worried, so I looked at your file... Your grades are excellent!" Ren Jiajia still didn't respond. "However... the phone number for the orphanage where you grew up is disconnected... Your elementary, middle, and high schools all deny having any record of you... Can you tell me why that is?" Ren Jiajia continued to remain silent. "I mean no harm and didn't intend to investigate you. I just care about you and hope you can be carefree like your classmates and enjoy your time at university." "..." "..." After that, no matter what Teacher Hao said, Ren Jiajia remained silent, keeping her head down and staying completely still. It was as if she had truly become a lifeless paper figure—one that only appears at funerals, symbolizing death. Teacher Hao sighed, glanced at the magazine on the bed, and said softly, "Take some time to think it over. If you trust me, you're always welcome to come find me. Whatever problems you have, whatever difficulties or struggles you’re facing, I will understand and help you." After he finished speaking, he slowly walked out of the dormitory. As he reached the doorway, he turned his head and was taken aback to see Ren Jiajia looking up at him, a faint smile on her lips. That smile made Teacher Hao's heart sink, and goosebumps prickled his skin. He remembered the paper figures that had accompanied his father's funeral, their faces wearing the same smile. Could it be... Are there really such eerie things in this world? 11. Sorrowful Paper Figures The library on Saturdays was always quiet and empty. Teacher Liu casually set aside a letter from "Boys and Girls" magazine without opening it. Ever since she decided to stop writing campus novels a few months ago, she had been receiving solicitation letters from them every month. The editor who used to contact her mentioned that readers really loved her stories and hoped she would continue writing; otherwise, they wouldn't know how to explain it to them. Eventually, she grew impatient and simply replied, "Tell the readers I'm dead. It's just a pen name anyway; no one knows who I am!" Since then, the magazine has indeed stopped sending her letters, probably because they were upset. A few days ago, when she called the editor to request some old magazines to add to her library, she thought the editor would be reluctant. To her surprise, they agreed readily and even sounded quite happy about it. She ended up berating herself for several days, feeling that she had unfairly judged their intentions based on her own narrow-mindedness. After all, why would the magazine get upset with an author who no longer contributes? She tidied up the desk and opened the "Boys and Girls" magazine that had been sitting there, letting out a sigh. Her articles appeared in all four issues, published under the pen name "Sad Paper Person." For a moment, she thought that the strange girl named Ren Jiajia might have stolen those magazines because they contained her work, and perhaps she was even a devoted reader! With this thought, she shook her head self-mockingly, realizing she was being overly sentimental. She sighed deeply, pulled up her book list on the computer, and began to organize it carefully. In just a couple of days, she would have to leave this school and part with her beloved books. As she thought about this, a flicker of guilt and unease crossed her eyes. She glanced at the envelope from "Boys and Girls," which looked like registered mail. After a brief hesitation, she decided to open it. Inside was not a manuscript request, but a payment slip for an article! Shocked, she picked up the phone and dialed the editor Xiaofei: "Are you swamped? Is there a mistake? I haven't written any articles recently." Xiaofei laughed, "You're kidding, right? The manuscript was sent from your address! Plus, it's signed with your name, and the writing style is exactly the same! It even specifically states to send the payment to the original author's details, with a note that it can be collected by family members!" "Really..." Teacher Liu put down the phone and looked up, surprised to see Ren Jiajia sitting with her head down in the corner seat. As usual, a magazine was spread out on the table, with the book she actually wanted to read on top. She still looked frail and pale. Teacher Liu wanted to ask her where she had been and if something had happened, but she felt it would be too abrupt. She temporarily set aside her thoughts about the manuscript and pretended to casually walk over to her side, overwhelmed with emotions: the page Ren Jiajia had opened was her article, with "Author: Sorrowful Paper Person" written below the title. Ren Jiajia felt someone behind her, instinctively lifted her head, offered a polite smile, and then continued to read intently. Teacher Liu sensed that today Ren Jiajia was different from usual; she seemed less melancholic and appeared to be in a good mood. She let out a soft sigh—being liked by readers is a tremendous joy for a writer! If she could, how could she possibly give up that pen name and abandon her readers? Ren Jiajia remained seated without moving until the library closed, before finally leaving. Teacher Liu looked at the frail silhouette of the child, feeling a surge of emotions. Even if that child was the one who stole the magazines, she decided to forgive her. With this thought, she walked over to the magazine section again, carefully counted the magazines, and let out a sigh of relief. Not a single magazine was missing today; it seemed Ren Jiajia wasn't a thief, and this realization made her feel quite happy. Just as she was about to lock up and leave, she suddenly noticed the magazines on her desk and gasped in astonishment. Not only were no magazines missing today, but there were also extra ones! The number on the magazine rack should have been four less—those four were on her desk. She hurried over to the "Boys and Girls" bookshelf and pulled out the four magazines that had once been lost. To her surprise, she found that the magazines bearing the library's official stamp, whose pages had been torn by careless students, were neatly repaired with transparent tape. Even a missing page from one of the magazines had been carefully restored. Although the color of the newly added page was noticeably different from the original, it blended seamlessly. Teacher Liu felt a lump in her throat as she looked at Ren Jiajia's empty seat, and tears began to stream down her face. 12. Ren Jiajia's Sorrow The sadness of "The Paper Person of Sadness" resides on the page; it conveys sorrow through paper, and this sadness can be replicated—every reader has, at some point, mirrored her sorrow. Youth needs sadness. It requires a kind of sadness that fills the void and awakens dreams. The stories of "The Paper Person of Sadness" are always rich with dreams tinged with sadness, a sentiment that has touched countless readers and inspired many young lives. For the first time ever, Ren Jiajia bought the latest issue of "Boys and Girls" magazine, holding it close to her chest as she walked with a light step. While purchasing the magazine, she heard the shop owner say, "The Sad Paper Person has started writing stories again, so this month's issue of 'Boys and Girls' sold out just days after arriving." In that moment, a look of happiness rippled across Ren Jiajia's face for the very first time. The "Sad Paper Person" should not die, and will not die. She decided to adopt the name "Sad Paper Person," allowing those four words to resonate with more young people. Yes, she couldn't forget the moment several years ago when she first saw that expired magazine at the recycling station. She couldn't forget the overwhelming emotion she felt when she first read the article "Sad Paper Person." That story touched her deeply, giving her the strength to save her dreams just in time. At that time, the orphanage where she lived had just closed down for some reason, and she was carelessly placed with a family that didn’t love her. Unable to endure the humiliation and abuse, she escaped and wandered around. Later, people at a waste paper collection station took pity on her and offered her some odd jobs sorting waste paper. During that time, collecting the "Boys and Girls" magazine from the waste paper became her only source of emotional support. Eventually, she felt compelled to write a letter to the "Sad Paper Person," sharing her misfortunes and hoping that the "Sad Paper Person" could turn her experiences into a story. Lacking the author's address, she had no choice but to send the letter to the magazine's office. Unexpectedly, the magazine responsibly forwarded the letter to "Sad Paper Person" and even replied to her. From that point on, "Sad Paper Person" not only encouraged her to be independent and self-reliant but also motivated her not to give up on her studies, sending her money every month. However, that money was all confiscated by the people at the recycling center. Despite this, Ren Jiajia managed to complete her education through her own efforts and perseverance, secretly listening to classes in the school corridors, using the stained and tattered old exercises from the recycling center, and benefiting from the guidance of kind-hearted individuals. However, she couldn't take the college entrance exam because she had no records and nothing to her name. But she didn't mind; in her letter to the "Sad Paper Person," she shared her experiences of diligent self-study over the past few years and expressed her gratitude for his encouragement. To her surprise, the "Sad Paper Person" replied, saying he would arrange for her to take the college entrance exam. Ren Jiajia was taken aback. Later, she actually received eligibility for the exam, and he also helped her apply for a tuition reduction of half and even prepaid her tuition for four years. For Ren Jiajia, the "Sad Paper Person" was a god, her rebirth parents, and a benefactor to whom she owed a lifetime of gratitude! She had no idea whether they were male or female, what they looked like, or how old they were. Yet she secretly hoped they were male and, in a rather clichéd manner, wished to devote herself to them without any regard for status. However, after receiving her passionate and complex letter filled with gratitude, the "Sad Paper Person" vanished. Their communication had always gone through the Boys & Girls magazine office, and she knew nothing about her benefactor other than that pen name. She had written to the magazine, pleading for information about "The Sad Paper Person," but was met with a flat refusal. When she wrote again to ask, the magazine replied that "The Sad Paper Person" had died. 13. The Sad Paper Person and Ren Jiajia On Sunday, Teacher Liu arrived at the library early, gazing nostalgically at the rows of bookshelves. It was her last day working there. She cleaned thoroughly, carefully wiping down the shelves. At 8 o'clock, Ren Jiajia arrived right on time, a hint of happiness on her face. For the entire morning, they were the only two people in the library, as if fate had intentionally granted them this chance to be alone together. Unfortunately, they both just sat silently at their desks. At noon, Teacher Liu took out her lunch box, walked over to Ren Jiajia's desk, and said gently, "Let's eat together." Ren Jiajia was taken by surprise. "No, I... I'm not hungry." Teacher Liu smiled and replied, "Please don’t be polite. I've noticed you come here every day to study hard, but you never eat." Ren Jiajia blushed with embarrassment. "I really am not hungry." Teacher Liu sighed, "You're the most book-loving, hardworking, and considerate child I've ever known. Today is my last day here, and I don't want to eat alone." Only then did Ren Jiajia reluctantly nod, carefully moving her book aside and timidly picking up a small piece of bread, saying, "Thank you..." Teacher Liu smiled at her. "Do you like 'Boys and Girls' magazine?" "Yes!" Ren Jiajia nodded. "Do you like the articles by that Sad Paper Person?" As soon as Ren Jiajia heard this, her eyes sparkled with excitement, just like when Teacher Hao called her a "paper person." At that moment, her heart was overflowing with happiness. "Paper person," what a delightful term! She eagerly asked, "Does the teacher also enjoy reading his articles?" Teacher Liu nodded. "Then... does the teacher read every single one?" Teacher Liu felt a lump in his throat and nodded again. "So, does the teacher know if he's male or female, how old he is, where he lives... or..." Her expression suddenly darkened. "Or... where he's buried?" Teacher Liu was momentarily stunned, recalling the angry words she had said to the magazine. She found herself in a situation where she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Then she shook her head and said, "The Sad Paper Person shouldn't be dead, right? I still saw her article in this new issue of the magazine." Ren Jiajia lowered her head and said, "Teacher... I have a secret to tell you... I wrote the article in this issue..." This time, it was Teacher Liu's turn to be astonished. "This is a secret, you know..." Ren Jiajia said, tears welling in her eyes. "The magazine editor told me that Sorrowful Paper Man has died. He... he was my benefactor! How could he die? I don’t want him to die; I don’t want the name Sorrowful Paper Man to disappear forever... Even if he really is gone, I will make sure the name Sorrowful Paper Man continues to live on. This is the only way I can repay him!" Her expression was incredibly resolute. Teacher Liu was in tears. She now understood who Ren Jiajia was and why she couldn't bring herself to dislike her from the bottom of her heart; she realized why she couldn't help but care about her. She suddenly felt that it was all worth it. Giving up writing stories and leaving her job at the library for this child seemed justified. Even kneeling before her father back then, begging him to help her with the college entrance exam and get her into school, felt worthwhile. She remembered how her father had said condescendingly, "When you resolutely left home back then, didn’t you solemnly vow that being surrounded by books all day and writing stories about your dreams was your lifelong ambition? What’s going on?! Now, for a child you don’t even know, you’re actually willing to give up your own dreams?" Father smiled knowingly and said, "Ah, you truly are my daughter, with such a good head for business! Excellent! This is exactly the kind of mindset we need—one that avoids making unprofitable deals! I promise you, no matter how much money it takes or how many connections I need to use, I will fulfill your request! I only have two conditions. First, you must cut ties with your current social circle within six months. Second, when I find that child, I will change her name. You can never have any contact with her again, nor can you ask me where she is or what her name will be after she starts school!" Teacher Liu agreed. "Teacher, why are you crying?" Ren Jiajia asked, bewildered. Teacher Liu wiped away her tears and said, "I’m truly saddened to hear that Sad Paper Person has died. Moreover, if her spirit is in heaven, she will surely feel your intentions and continue to encourage you. So, you should use this name to share your dream with more people." "Mm!" Ren Jiajia nodded. 14. The Eternal Sad Paper Person Teacher Hao secretly investigated Ren Jiajia. The deeper he delved, the more heartbroken and compassionate he felt. He couldn't imagine that the child ate only one meal a day, and that it was leftover food picked from the cafeteria's trash can when no one was around. She couldn't fathom that the child, in an effort to ease the pain of hunger, rarely drank water because when people are hungry, drinking more water only makes them feel hungrier. He found it hard to believe that she, in order to avoid her face from cracking, didn't even dare to wash it. In fact, she probably didn't even have a change of clothes; when her clothes got dirty, she would grit her teeth and sneak to the playground faucet at night to wash them, which was convenient as it allowed her to wash both her clothes and body at once. Watching her hide in the corner of the playground, waiting for her clothes to air-dry, he couldn't help but want to rush over and tell her she didn’t need to endure such hardship. Although her background and origins remained a mystery, it didn’t matter anymore. Teacher Hao couldn't bear to see his student—a student with such excellent grades—living with such difficulty. She was in the prime of her youth, after all. She should be wearing beautiful clothes, smiling brightly in the sunshine, and experiencing a passionate romance. He wanted to help her, but he didn’t know how to make her life a little easier without hurting her self-esteem. So, when Teacher Liu from the library told him that the school had approved her application for Ren Jiajia to work part-time as a library assistant to support her studies, Teacher Hao couldn't help but cry. He didn’t understand why Teacher Liu wanted to help Ren Jiajia. Perhaps she was aware of her struggles too? Unable to hold back, he asked Teacher Liu this question, but she simply smiled and remained silent. No one knew that Teacher Liu left willingly, just as she entered her father's serious management studies with the same willingness. She had once believed that she had given up her dreams for a child she had never met, but later she realized she had been mistaken. She hadn't lost her dream; that child had inherited it from her, leaving her without regrets. Moreover, her dream had always been to help others fulfill their dreams! Whenever she thought about this, she couldn't help but smile with happiness. 15. The Legend of the Paper People When Xiong Xiaoxiao, Mi Hui, and Li Yuyan heard Teacher Hao's words and apologized to her, Ren Jiajia smiled. It was the first time she had smiled so brightly. She said it was actually her own fault that had led to their misunderstanding. She said that from the moment their parents showed concern for her, and from the moment Xiong Xiaoxiao spread her own bedding on her bed, she decided in her heart to treat them as friends. So, no matter what they did to her, she wouldn’t hold it against them, because she firmly believed that the world is kind. As the semester came to an end, Ren Jiajia was still very thin, still very pale, and still silent. But no one doubted anymore that she was just a paper doll. At least she would eat, drink, use the bathroom, do laundry, and take baths... Xiong Xiaoxiao and her friends gradually began to like Ren Jiajia, not only because she had a good temper, but also because she would inexplicably bring back a copy of "Boys and Girls" magazine for them to read every month. Sometimes, when they discussed articles by "Sad Paper Person," Ren Jiajia would always break into a happy smile. Teacher Liu can no longer be called "Teacher Liu"; everyone now refers to her as "Manager Liu." Manager Liu's secretary is quite the gossip. She often smirks and tells the employees, "Don't let Manager Liu's fierce demeanor fool you; he's actually quite childish! Not only does he enjoy wearing cartoon underwear, but he also likes reading youth magazines like 'Boys and Girls.' And every time he reads them, he looks completely engrossed..."