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Love Letter
In front of Jiang Wu lay a love letter. A letter that could be described as sincere and heartfelt, filled with the passionate infatuation of youth. Every character in the letter was written with great care, without a single mistake or smudge, clearly showing how much emotion and effort the writer had poured into this love letter. Words that couldn’t be spoken directly were conveyed through writing to the person she wanted to know her feelings. Her fingertips glided over the smooth surface of the paper, stopping at the signature in the bottom right corner, where a strikingly different, flamboyant "商" character boldly established the final tone of the letter. Her fingertip lingered on the "商" for a moment, and after gazing at it expressionlessly for a long time, she finally closed the love letter again, just as she had done so many times before, and placed this cherished letter deep into the safe. However, at the very moment she was about to let go, she couldn’t help but let out a soft scoff, no longer handling it with care but instead tossing it casually into the very back. The corner of the envelope bumped against the safe, producing a faint muffled sound. Then, the cabinet door closed, and everything was completely concealed. *** Once, Jiang Wu carefully treasured a love letter—a letter that Shang Xu had given her back in the day. But she never imagined that this love letter wasn't meant for her; it was a letter that had been carelessly passed on to her by Sh
Hello World·
1 Day Ago
After marriage
Wen Yang's twenty-six years have been relatively smooth sailing. Her family was harmonious, her parents were loving, her academic performance was above average, and her personality was gentle. She didn't experience much of a rebellious phase in her youth; she successfully got into her dream university and met Cheng Yanyu there. He pampered and doted on her. After graduation, while her classmates were frantically searching for jobs, she leisurely married Cheng Yanyu and moved with him to the city of Nancheng. She stayed at home, ostensibly to take care of his life, but in reality, they were both looking after each other in their simple life together. Their life as a couple was quite refined. Classmates who knew them envied Wen Yang's lifestyle, as she had already settled into a laid-back routine. Cheng Yanyu started an event planning company right after graduating from college. Although it was a startup, he was quite capable and quickly made it successful, even paying off the mortgage on their marital home in Nancheng. In the two years since their marriage, Wen Yang hadn't learned much else, but her cooking skills had improved significantly, especially since she loved to eat. However, today her luck took a turn for the worse. While cutting an onion, she accidentally nicked her pinky finger. The pain brought tears to Wen Yang's eyes as she covered her pinky finger and searched everywhere for the first aid kit. She pulled it out from beside the sofa cabinet, but just as she
3 Day Ago
What Is Life
有多少人停下来思考生命的真正意义?我们都活着,但很快就会死去。生活的目的只有极少数人能够发现。我们为什么来到地球?我们为什么得到这具人身?生活究竟是什么?我们呼吸,但是什么让我们能够呼吸?是什么力量让我们走路和说话?人类身体这个令人惊叹的创造是如何形成的?有多少人停下来问问题?我们是否会探究以追求真理? 当一个孩子出生时,我们庆祝新生命的降临。但是,这个生命来自哪里?我们相信自己是由父母创造的,这是真的吗?毫无疑问,存在一个生殖过程,但是什么导致两个细胞的受精成为一个在九个月后最终降生的小婴儿?谁负责在我们母亲的子宫中发生的所有奇迹?我们的心脏、肺、肾脏和大脑是如何形成的?然后是最大的一个问题——是谁赋予了在我们生日那天出生的生命以力量?除非我们解开诞生的奥秘,理解死亡的现实,否则我们永远无法真正领悟生命的意义。 有一天我们会死去,但究竟是谁死去了呢?身体死去,但人们会说我们离世了。到底是谁死了,又是谁离世了?离去的那个人去了哪里?那曾在体内跳动的生命发生了什么?为什么心脏停止了跳动?是什么导致了死亡,那一刻我们失去了呼吸?我们对这些问题真的有答案吗? 人生的旅程通常被理解为从出生那一刻开始,直到死亡结束的过程。然而,生命是什么,它从何而来,对大多数人类来说仍然是个谜。很少有人愿意去追寻真理的本质。 我们相信一个赐予我们生命的神,但我们并不明白神是谁、在哪里以及是什么。我们相信一个童话,认为我们会上天堂,但谁真的会去天堂呢?难道我们的亲人在火化或埋葬我们时不会毁灭我们的身体吗?我们究竟在做什么呢?我们祈祷,但在祈祷时并不理解自己所说的。我们祝愿彼此好运,却没有意识到生活并不仅仅是关于运气。我们不明白,生活中发生的一切都是业力的结果,是行动法则的体现。普遍法则支配着大地并控制着我们的生活,没有什么是偶然发生的。我们有选择掌控自己命运的权力,但如果不去追求真理,我们将永远无法领悟生命的真正意义。 生活就是因果。因果意味着行动。生活中的一切都是我们自身行动的反应。就像我们种下的种子决定了树上的果实,我们的行为也将决定我们的命运。我们的出生是过去因果的结果,而我们的死亡同样会受到因果法则的影响。生活中发生的一切,都是因为因果,我们的行动。不幸的是,我们没有意识到这个简单的真理——生活就是因果。 “业”这个词意味着行动。但世界更熟知“业”作为一种法则——因果法则。这是回报法则——种什么收什么。它基于一个原则——你所播下的种子,最终会收获什么。这个法则非常简单。你付出的就是你得到的。你所做的一切,最终都会回到你身上。虽然这个法则看似简单,但实际上复杂到没有人能完全揭开“业”的奥秘。是谁创造了这个法则?它如何在全球80亿人中运作?它又如何控制每一个行为的反应?业的法则依然让人困惑,尽管我们别无选择,只能接受它,但并不是很多人真正理解它是如何运作的。 我们知道,树上的果实不是偶然出现的,而是依赖于我们所种下的种子。这就是为什么我们不会在芒果树上发现苹果。正如树上的果实依赖于种子,我们生活中发生的一切也都取决于我们的行为。然而,这一切是如何发生的呢?是谁在控制这一切?要理解因果法则,人必须去探索生活与因果之间的联系。我们需要停下脚步,思考创造的奥秘。我们还必须理解支配我们星球的几种宇宙法则的存在。是什么导致了昼夜更替?是什么使地球在其轴上自动旋转,日复一日,没有任何干预和中断?是什么让季节如此美丽地交替?为什么狗不会生出猫来?我们世界中发生的一切都受到一种创造地球秩序的法则支配。甚至我们的出生和死亡也受到一种宇宙法则的控制——因果法则。 业。我们出生的地点、时间和
3 Day Ago
Dead Kid
I absolutely don't know and have never seen that obnoxious brat. But those who engage in "pseudo-scientific rhetoric" would say, "No! You must have seen him; you just forgot." The phrases "seen but forgotten" and "never seen" ultimately lead to the same conclusion, making it hard to prove with facts. This was the profound debate between Erji and me during the long break. After school, the house was, as usual, in complete disarray. Crushed cigarette butts were scattered all over the floor, and the trash can was surrounded by leaking takeout boxes filled with vegetable soup. Two cockroaches crawled along the edge, happily chatting over their afternoon tea. "Dad (clatter clatter), I'm (six tiles) back (I’ve lost badly)!" My voice was drowned out by the noisy clamor of card games. The cigarette in my father's mouth was almost burned down to his lips, with ash precariously hanging from its tip. I squeezed sideways through the gap between two card tables and made my way back to my bedroom, feeling neither dejected nor angry at the adults' indifference. I'm not the kind of boring teenager who racks his brains to seek attention. In a single-parent family, with a father who is a gambling addict, lacking maternal love and family warmth—Erji envies me. He says that a youth in a family environment like mine would be forgiven by society and public opinion even if he did something wrong. "It would be such a shame not to go off the rails with such good conditions," Erji always said.
5 Day Ago
Don't Believe Children
Don't trust children. The loudspeaker downstairs kept blaring incessantly, nearly shaking the windows loose, which left me feeling increasingly flustered. Finally in the car, I glanced at my watch awkwardly and explained to Zhang Tao, who was driving, "Actually, I got up early and packed my luggage last night. But just as I was about to leave, I forgot whether I had put the children's documents in the suitcase, so I unpacked to check and then repacked everything. As soon as I left, I forgot whether I had locked the door properly, so I went back upstairs to confirm. In my hurry, I tripped while going upstairs, and that's when I remembered I had forgotten to grab the band-aids, so I went back up to get them..." "Alright, alright!" Zhang Tao waved his hand impatiently. "Stop nagging and get in the car! We’ll be late if we don’t hurry!" "Oh..." I stuck out my tongue and sheepishly climbed into the front seat. Zhang Tao shot me a glare and honked aggressively, darting into the traffic outside the neighborhood as if he were in a race. Li Ying handed me a bottle of water. "Most of the nine kids this time have tendencies toward autism. We need to be patient when dealing with them." I frowned slightly. "Wasn't it eight kids?" Li Ying suddenly seemed to recall something: "Oh, last night a parent called about their child, and after much persuasion, they insisted on enrolling them." "Is there something wrong with their child? Do they have autistic tendencies too?" "No, they say
5 Day Ago
Sad Paper Person
Sad Paper Person 1. The Missing "Boys and Girls" Teacher Liu truly began to pay attention to the girl after three consecutive issues of the "Boys and Girls" magazine went missing from the library's magazine shelf. Prior to that, she had only noticed her slightly, as she was indeed a striking child. The girl stood out not because of her beauty, but due to her frailty. She was so frail that even when wearing clothes that others would consider form-fitting, she appeared empty and loose, a feeling that was hard to describe. It was as if she wasn’t wearing the clothes, but rather the clothes were wearing her, as if they were the only evidence of her existence. That girl was not only thin but also very pale. Her face was almost devoid of color, which made her bright eyes and white teeth stand out. She always wore high-necked tops, bundled up snugly. Other than her face, only her hands were exposed. Her hands were also very pale, with clearly visible veins on the back. Her visits to the library were quite regular. Teacher Liu speculated that she must be spending all her spare time there. On weekends, she would stay from opening until closing time. She always sat in a corner by the wall, and no matter when she arrived, as soon as she settled there, she was as steady as a rock. During that time, she wouldn’t drink water, eat, or even go to the bathroom. At first, Ms. Liu thought she was just strange, but she didn’t pay much attention. Having worked as a librarian at this compreh
5 Day Ago
Time Born
Time Born Prologue In the eighth year of my monotonous career as a prison guard, I encountered a man trapped in a time loop. He claimed to be my old friend, having met me in countless past lives, and said he was imprisoned today to persuade me to resign... Yet, according to the official records, he was merely a delusional mental patient. Many years later, I recalled our encounter and wrote it down, resulting in this story. However, upon closer reflection, I sensed that many things didn’t quite add up... What, after all, is real? "We are eternally bound by shackles" — Epigraph 1 It's around three in the afternoon. Gray-white walls surround me, and scorching sunlight filters through a small window with iron bars, casting patterns on the floor. The old, worn clock on the wall ticks away with a steady "tick-tock," and there is no other sound. It seems someone is coming. I quickly place my half-finished writing in the right corner of the desk and rub my eyes. With a "click," the door opens. Two prison guards enter, escorting a man. I know this is the next inmate I need to document. The man sat down, and two colleagues handed me a file folder, exchanged a glance with me, nodded, and then left. "Name?" I didn’t look at him, keeping my head down as I quickly wrote the number on the paper. To be honest, this repetitive, dull work exhausted me: over the years, I felt like an old, clumsy clock just ticking away, quietly existing until a prisoner walked
5 Day Ago
Hang in there! Temperature drops 100 degrees.
Hang in there! The temperature has plummeted by 100 degrees. Hang in there! Survivors of the apocalypse. At first, it was just down jackets selling out, water pipes bursting, and citywide power cuts. Then, repair workers died from hypothermia, and the medical system collapsed. The cold wave swept across the globe, sparing even countries at the equator... In just one month, the temperature has dropped by 100 degrees! The entire city has turned into ice sculptures, with trees freezing to dust before their leaves could even fall. Rivers and oceans worldwide are frozen solid, and not a drop of water can be found on the surface! If it were a zombie apocalypse, humanity could still fight back, but when faced with nature, what can we do? This isn't a movie! It's real... it's the doomsday of extreme cold. 1 Early in the morning, the phone rang urgently. I picked it up with irritation; it was my cousin, whom I hadn't spoken to in a long time. "What's up, sis? It's so early..." "Mianmian! I need to tell you something important. Every word I'm about to say is serious, so you need to listen carefully!" I felt a shiver. My cousin's tone was so serious; did something happen to the family? "What is it, sis? Don't scare me." "Let me tell you, the latest monitoring results from the National Climate Center indicate that the strongest La Niña phenomenon in history may be on the way. Many countries in high-latitude regions have already entered winter early. The precursor to this is
5 Day Ago
Oasis In 2109, humanity achieved brain-machine integration. The human brain could connect to external devices, eliminating innate brain defects: the blind could see colors, the deaf could hear birds singing, and even sexual dysfunction could be addressed. Traditional social welfare saw significant improvements, and welfare-oriented brain-machine products boosted overall social productivity. However, the costs of more powerful products that enhanced computing power—along with their maintenance and upgrade expenses—were beyond the reach of most people. As a result, the wealth gap was exacerbated. The brain-computer LSD issue, arising from the problem of wealth disparity, has begun to come into sharp focus. Ordinary people use it to numb their lives, while the wealthy use it to experience sensory pleasures beyond traditional limits. Society seems happier, but poverty has become an even more inescapable quagmire, social vitality resembles a stagnant pool, class mobility is frozen, and the black market is rampant. In that same year, the new rotating leadership of the New World United Organization (with the United Nations no longer in existence) took office, promoting legislation to severely crack down on various forms of brain-machine LSD in an effort to salvage the current social situation. Supporters of LSD argued that brain-machine LSD was merely a soap opera of the new century, harmless in the grand scheme of things, and that those who were addicted simply lacked self-control
5 Day Ago
Hello World·
5 Day Ago
Unintended Guidance
After realizing that my boyfriend was destined to fall in love with the female lead and reject me, I took the initiative. When he was drugged and supposed to have an intimate encounter with her, I seized the opportunity first. Afterwards, I staged a dramatic scene to catch him in the act of cheating. "Let's break up. I don't want a man who's been tainted." He was like a heartbroken puppy, desperately scrubbing himself until his skin was raw. Four years later, I heard he was going to marry the female lead. I thought the story had come to an end. So, I reappeared and began interacting with the marriage partner arranged by my family. But that very night, he imprisoned me. He slowly peeled off his clothes, each piece revealing a morbid and obsessive plea for humility. "Baby, look at me, I've washed for so many years; I'm not dirty anymore." 01 I stood frozen, tears welling in my eyes as I looked at the ambiguous marks on Xie Chen's body. My ears were filled with my best friend's furious scolding and Xie Chen's voice trying to explain. I took a few steps back to avoid his touch, tears streaming down my face. "Xie Chen, is this what you call a business trip?" "Baby, it's not like that; you know I only love you..." "Stop it!" I shouted in heartbreak. "How can you still defend these marks on your body?" "Baby, please believe me, this must all be a misunderstanding." Xie Chen looked down at the suggestive marks on his body, his eyes red and on the verge of tears.
5 Day Ago
Cyber City, UTC+8
पूर्वी क्षेत्र 8 साइबर सिटी 1. यह 2050 का साइबरपंक संसार है जब मेरी माँ ने एक बार फिर मेरे मस्तिष्क के स्टोरेज चिप को हार्ड ड्राइव की तरह कंप्यूटर में लगाया, तो मेरा सब्र जवाब दे गया: "माँ, क्या आप समय यात्रा करके आई हैं?" वह थोड़ी चौंकीं और असहज महसूस करने लगीं, फिर एक सफेद सिरेमिक की वस्तु उठाकर उसे देखने का नाटक करने लगीं। "माँ, मेरा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक अंग नीचे रखिए और ठीक से बात कीजिए?" वह थोड़ी शर्माते हुए मुस्कुराईं, फिर लिविंग रूम में होलोग्राम द्वारा प्रक्षिप्त उष्णकटिबंधीय वर्षावन की ओर इशारा करते हुए बोलीं, "यहाँ कुछ सब्जियाँ उगाना बेहतर होगा, क्योंकि इतने बड़े घने जंगल डरावने लगते हैं, और वास्तु भी अच्छा नहीं लगता।" मैंने खिड़की के एक कोने की ओर थोड़ा झुककर देखा, और लिविंग रूम अचानक एक सब्जी के खेत में बदल गया, जैसे मुझे अनाज के चक्र का स्वाद महसूस हो रहा हो। यह मानना पड़ेगा कि यह अनुकृति प्रभाव दिन-ब-दिन बेहतर होता जा रहा है। मेरी माँ 2000 में जन्मी थीं, इस साल वह 50 साल की हो गई हैं, और अक्सर मुझे अपने पुराने जीवन के बारे में बताती हैं। मुझे ज्यादा समझ नहीं आता, और सुनने की इच्छा भी नहीं होती। अभी-अभी खाया हुआ डिब्बा मैंने मेज के बीच में रखा, और मेज की सतह पर एक गोल दरार दिखाई दी, जबकि खाली डिब्बा धीरे-धीरे मेज में डूबने लगा। पर्दे पास आते कदमों की आवाज के साथ धीरे-धीरे खिसकने लगे, और अंधेरी रात में प्रकाश और वर्षा से बुनता हुआ शहर नजर आया। नियॉन की रोशनी चमक रही है, राहगीर कम हैं, पुलिस की गाड़ियाँ हवा में तेज़ी से दौड़ रही हैं, दूर बिजली केंद्र से लेजर किरणें बाहर की ओर फैल रही हैं, जंग लगी ऊँची इमारतों के ऊपर से गुजरती हुई, ये लोहे के डब्बे चुपचाप ऊपर से ह
6 Day Ago
The Third Party
The Third Party 1 I stood naked in front of the full-length mirror in the hotel room, gazing longingly at my reflection. Soon, this body would no longer be mine. In fact, a year ago, I could no longer afford the costly "personal body tax" required to use my body independently. Fortunately, thanks to my good credit, I managed to secure a loan from the bank, which temporarily alleviated my urgent problem. Now, a year has passed, and my financial situation hasn’t improved much. Just yesterday, I was forcibly classified as a "co-occupant" by the Body Management Bureau. In other words, I need to quickly find a "landlord" with a capital city household registration who is willing to rent out their body within a month; otherwise, I will be expelled from the capital. As for my own body, I have to choose between depositing it, "selling" it, or "destroying" it. If not, the only option left is to leave the capital and return to my hometown. I shook my head irritably, trying not to dwell on these troubling matters, at least not tonight. "In two hours, I'll have to 'log off.'" At some point, my girlfriend Yun Yun emerged from the bathroom, wearing a semi-transparent robe with her long, damp hair cascading down her back as she hugged me from behind. I don't know what Yun Yun originally looked like. When I met her, she was already a 'tenant' of her current face, and her original body—the one she was born with—had long since been destroyed. Her hometown had long ago become a wasteland
6 Day Ago
Can't Stop Thinking About It
Chapter 1 ... She took a sip of the strong tea beside her, now completely cold. Yang Mo rubbed her sore shoulders, got up from her chair, and walked toward the water room with her cup. Noticing that the hot water dispenser had been turned off, she suddenly remembered it was already past 9 p.m. and that the dispenser had been shut down for a while. Several departments in the hallway were working overtime. In Yang Mo's department, the director, deputy director, and she, a junior staff member, were all burning the midnight oil. Yang Mo knocked on the door of Department 3 next door, where a few people were still revising drafts in front of the projector. Not wanting to disturb them, she filled her cup to the brim and walked out. The pressure of meeting the deadline caused the director, who rarely smoked in the office, to chain-smoke continuously, his brow furrowed as he typed away at the keyboard. Yang Mo returned to his desk and began proofreading the opinion draft he had just written. "Xiao Yang, when you're nearly done, you can head home for now. We'll go over that opinion again tomorrow," the director said, not pausing his typing. Yang Mo nodded slightly. "Director Zhang, I'm almost finished, so I'll head out now. Don't stay too late. Director Wei, I'm leaving now." "Ding," the elevator stopped at the 10th floor. Yang Mo glanced up, saw the person inside, hesitated for a moment, then stepped in. Two years in the government office had taught Yang Mo to nod and smile at eve
6 Day Ago
I Time-Traveled and Became the Mom of Female Protagonists in Adult Novels
I've become the mother of the female lead in a PO post. At 10 PM, the male lead comes to tutor my daughter. The sounds coming from the room don’t seem like they’re discussing studies. Male lead: "What’s your relationship with him?" My daughter: "Don’t ask..." The male lead gives a wicked smile: "...Little one, you'll be willing to tell me soon enough." I kick open the door. "What relationship? We're complete opposites!" 1 You don't even know middle school basics; what kind of lousy tutor are you! You might as well go home and raise pigs. 2 My daughter's eyes are filled with panic. "Mom, how did you get in here..." I scoffed. "If I hadn’t come in, something bad would have happened." "Auntie, I was just explaining a problem to Wenwen." The man glanced at my daughter and said, "We just got to the most important part." My daughter instantly turned bright red and lowered her head, saying nothing. Hello? Is this 110? There’s someone here behaving indecently. "The tutoring session is over. You can leave now." The man walked over to me. His movements were a bit awkward. "Auntie, you’ve really misunderstood..." Family. I’ve read thousands of posts. Can I really believe him? 3 I kicked the man out the door. I turned to look at my daughter behind me. In the original story, Tang Wenwen's fate was tragic; her face and body were disfigured, and her light was extinguished before she even turned 30. At this moment, she hadn’t yet fallen
6 Day Ago
Roses in the Smoke(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Setting: During the process of species evolution, a race known as [Banlei] emerged. They possess animal characteristics beyond those of apes, are capable of exercising unique special abilities, and can experience [soul manifestation]. Their reproductive capacity is significantly lower compared to ape-men (i.e., ordinary humans), with a population ratio of approximately 7:3 in favor of ape-men. Perhaps due to their lower reproductive ability, they tend to be more open-minded than ape-men; polygamy and having children with different fathers (or mothers) are not uncommon. They also have the technology that allows same-sex couples to conceive and bear children, making children of same-sex couples quite ordinary. Since Banlei are a precious species, it is not unusual for them to have marriage arrangements made for them from a young age to ensure the continuation of their kind. Primitive humans cannot perceive [Soul Manifestation], so they remain unaware of the existence of the Spotted Ones. [Soul Manifestation]: Humans consist of two parts: the physical body that represents the entity and the body that represents the spiritual essence. When instinct takes precedence over reason, it manifests outside the physical body. The state in which spirit and body interact is referred to as "Soul Manifestation." For the Spotted Ones, revealing this state in front of others feels like being naked. They often experience Soul Manifestation during significant emotional fluctuations or in specif
6 Day Ago
The lost Circumpolar star
Circumpolar stars refer to the stars that never set below the horizon as seen by an observer at a specific latitude, constantly revolving around the celestial pole. Yu Yan x Song He Chapter 1 "Don't I need to guard the gate?" Song He was taken aback by the question, his mind slow to process it. After a long pause, he replied, "That must be after the war ends, right? If I don't have to guard the gate, I could just find a habitable asteroid, raise a flock of sheep, drink sheep's milk in the morning, and have cheese at night." "It doesn't matter where we live; having sheep is the most important thing," Song He added. On Auxiliary Star 43, a colleague who had come to chat glanced at the monitor in the corridor and suddenly called out, "Song He, the commander is coming in." Before he could finish speaking, footsteps were heard approaching from behind. Drowsy but still sitting up straight, Song He quickly stood, his posture tall. As he turned around, the door swung open. "Soldier Song He!" "Present, Sir!" "State your identification number!" "E000297! Gatekeeper Song He!" "Song He." The unfamiliar officer following the commander of Auxiliary Star 43 stepped forward and presented his credentials. "I am You Jing, the secretary-general responsible for General Yu Yan's affairs on the main star." Yu Yan's name was not unfamiliar to Song He, though not because he knew him personally. He was the supreme commander of this war and the youngest general in history. Just this mon
6 Day Ago
My Ex Came Back and got involved in a love triangle
I ordered a double bed online and forgot to select the installation service. I accidentally sent the message to my ex-boyfriend. He came over without hesitation. After setting it up, he asked me to test whether the bed was sturdy. "How do I do that?" The man pulled me onto his lap and said, "You called me over; weren't you hoping to try it out with me?" It became really awkward. Blushing, I replied, "You misunderstood; this bed also collapsed last night." Last night, the bed collapsed partway through. I chose a double bed online, and it was delivered the next day. The large package took up half the bedroom. I stared at my phone screen, left speechless. [Dear customer, you did not select the installation service.] I rushed the purchase. Now it's getting dark, and I can't find any renovation workers. I forwarded the screenshot of my chat with customer service to the one responsible for last night's mess. "Can you come back to install the bed?" I also took a photo of the bedroom. They took a long time to type and then replied with seven characters. "You're asking me about this kind of thing?" Why shouldn't I ask him? He's the one who caused the collapse yesterday. "If it's installed sooner, you can come sleep here." Two minutes later, they replied, "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Time flew by, and the doorbell rang three times. Wearing a lace nightgown and not even in slippers, I went to open the door. Jiang Xi appeared at the doorway, giving me a sc
6 Day Ago
A Dream Just Like the Beginning
My family was very poor, with only three mu of dry land to our name. My father tended to that land as if it were sacred, but no matter how well he cared for it, the yearly harvest was never enough to feed our family of ten. My grandparents were old, and my three uncles, well into their years yet still unmarried, would wander from one end of the village to the other each day, engaging in idle chatter and lazing about—true examples of laziness. My younger aunt, who was the same age as me, was the apple of my grandparents' eye. That year, a heavy snowfall occurred. Our family had been without food for several days, and it seemed we were all going to starve. My father went to the city to find work, and a human trafficker came to the village. He offered me four taels of silver, and I sold myself. On the day I left home, my mother cried until she fainted several times. She gave me her only dowry, a silk flower. In front of my family, I took two liang and secretly gave the remaining two liang to her, telling her to take care of my younger brother and sister no matter what. The snow was heavy that day. My father hadn't returned from his work in the county town. My mother stood in the swirling snow with my younger siblings to see me off. It was so cold, and she didn’t even have a jacket on. The donkey cart carried me farther and farther away, and the heavy snow soon blurred my vision. There were twelve girls bought along with me, all from our village and nearby ones, about the sa
6 Day Ago
The White Swan and His Scheming Husband
White Swan x Husband 01 The gong was quite adept at navigating social situations and, from a very young age, realized that in addition to his intellect, physical strength, emotional intelligence, and IQ, he could also rely on his looks as an asset. He was born in an orphanage, having been abandoned by his birth parents. The parents he would never know left behind a note expressing their poverty and inability to care for him, with no further words. From an early age, he understood how to maximize his own advantages. He could be understanding and obedient, which allowed him to seek out a suitable foster family for himself. However, he was unfortunate. After being adopted for the first time, his good days didn't last long, as he was sent back to the orphanage when his adoptive parents, who had been infertile for years, unexpectedly had a child of their own. The reason given was still their financial difficulties and inability to support him. By that time, he was already eight years old—too old to be easily shaped. So he was left behind, growing up alone, experiencing all the ups and downs of life, witnessing various attitudes from people, and using every means to present himself as a positive, upright, and sunny young man. As time passed, he became a rising star in his field. Talented and charming, he won the favor of many. However, he knew he still needed a ladder to climb higher. Only by finding this ladder could he rise to the top and live a life above others. Then, he
6 Day Ago